Monday, April 25, 2011

Patience is a PAIN

In my very first post, I graced you with my joke about not being a doctor or having patients (patience)...I know, I know. Genius. But I really don' some aspects. I can be very patient in certain circumstances, but in others.....nooot so much.

A great man once said, "The waiting is the hardest part." Ain't that the truth! With a combination of my anxiety and lack of patience, I sometimes get very frustrated with a situation (as seen in my last post). This can eat away at me and derail my focus from what's important. Then I have a cigarette, forgetting my promise to myself to stop. Then I have a drink, to alleviate the pain of the knot in my stomach, and once again, forgo a goal. Gah! Enough!

I'm saying this right here and right now. I'm done with all of it. Well, the "stuff" I need to be done with. Tag 'Em and Bag 'Em!, as I've said before. But I mean it this time. My patience has run out, the tap is dry. So, I'm moving forward with a clearer view of the road ahead. Littered with shiny objects and temptations to turn, I'm keeping my head high and pushing through. Nothing is worth my time and efforts and impatience and frustrations when the road is a one-way street. I deserve more than that. I know this. The people who appreciate me know this. So it's time to hold true to that. From here on out, Shaneil is grabbing life by the balls with the grip of determination! Don't worry... I'll be gentle.

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