Sunday, May 1, 2011

Clarification: Appreciation

I haven't decided what to write about yet. And so, I begin this post untitled... although, by the time you read it, it will be titled...soooo. Whatever. I'm in a weird place today. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm I'm not sure how I feel today. It's not necessarily bad, but not terrific, either. Hmmm.

I took a break from this and wrote a new song, "Close Enough". I think I like it. I never know at first, I just get a good flow going and see what happens. No guitar to it yet, though, thanks to the after-10pm-no-noise-whatsoever-policy at my apartment complex. As I listen to my neighbors have a party. (I really wanted to say "As I listen through the cemetary trees" right there...)

Wow! I just got a really nice compliment from a pretty important person in my history. That certainly picked up my mood! It's funny how one second you can feel somewhat down, yet one little moment can pick it right up. This is why I appreciate life. Hmm...appreciation...

I try to appreciate life as much as I can. I'm not perfect. Nowhere near it. But I do try to take everything in with a positive attitude. This keeps me pretty level-headed, about most. I have my weaknesses, and they show all the time. I suck at hiding them! But even at my job, people view me as a positive person who tries to keep the mood up. Tries. I have bad days. Ohhh boy, do I! But hey, we all do, so I give back by being supportive on yours.

I was raised by my grandparents, and although our relationship is not what it used to be, I appreciate the morals they instilled in me. I feel very blessed to have been pulled from a fury of bad situations and pain, and plopped into a pretty damn good childhood. I was not spoiled, though I did have a lot. I was taught the value of a dollar, and of the little things in life. Things weren't always great, but I had it good and I appreciate everything they ever did for me. I miss them all the time. I'm overdue for a trip home. Stupid money.

Aaaanyways, without getting too serious, here...I'm happy. I'm content. I want more, but I'm in the process of going for it, and that's the first step. No matter what happens to me, I appreciate everything in my life. I think that's the unlocks so many doors to happiness in life. Geez louise, I feel all grown up! I can still go to Toy'R'Us...right? Right?? Crap.

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