Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Home Alone

It's starting to really hit me, the adventure I'm about to embark on. I've never lived completely alone, and I'm beginning to run down the list of fears I hide from the rest of ya'll... you know, to avoid embarrassment? Yes, I had to that little sucker. And yes, I was right! Ha!

Being around people keeps me sane. I don't like to be alone; we've covered this. Well, I admitted this. Anyways. Being alone gives way to many opportunities for my imagination to run wild and stir up my anxiety. The funny thing is, as afraid as I thought I would be, I'm feeling pretty confident about the move. I feel safe knowing I have a little protecter in my pup, Buster. (I'll miss the crap out of Bernie, but he'll be in excellent hands with my soon-to-be ex-roomie.) The natural ability to pick up the sound of a flippin' fly landing on the wall, Buster being with me already alleviates a good deal of the ridiculous situations I picture myself getting into. So, that's covered.

I think this time alone, in a new setting, under my terms is going to be quite good for me. I've already made some mental promises to myself as far as things I would like to change, keep, and improve upon in life. I feel good about the move, though it will be lonely. Luckily, mine and the roommate's opposite, busy schedules has allowed for some practice "alone-time". I've gotten used to the silence, and am able to find the beauty in it. To just exist. To just be. And to fill it with the sounds of things I love- music, my little guy running around, the strum of my guitar, the sound of the pages turning in a good book, the pots and pans against the stove... I'm SO excited! This is definitely a good thing. Nay, a fabulous one!

It's a new chapter in my life, and I'm looking forward to the text. I have the potential to achieve the things I truly want, and there's no flippin' time like the present! Keep my head on straight, held high, and clear of the grime my imagination leaves behind. That sort of rhymed. And another time! ..... Should I keep on tryin'? ... Okay, I'm really done- or am Crap.

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