Before I was fired from Starbucks, I knew it was coming. I also thought it would end all of the happiness in my life... from a job I loved, to my dream apartment, I felt my world was about to cave in and destroy me. Well, it didn't... and I came to terms with that, long before they pulled the plug.
Yes, I kept hope alive in my heart that my inevitable fate would not actually occur... but a part of me had already accepted it as what was meant to be. Starbucks was my life; my life was Starbucks. That, in itself, was the ultimate problem. You see, I am what I like to call an "equal-opportunity lover", in the sense that I pretty much love everything. I have many passions and joys in life that I was missing out on the last couple of years. From my music to cooking to something as simple as a puzzle, my life had many gaps in it that I filled with my passion for my work. But for me, my work is life. Life is the journey, and I was stuck at a rest-stop for two years. I've heard it said that you can be alive, but still not living. I finally understand this statement.
I can say today- now, I am finally living. Things have worked themselves out, as they tend to do... but much more than that, I am creating a life for myself that includes my main passion in life: LIFE. Since my departure from Starbucks, I have reconnected with acquaintances and made them lifetime friends; I have delved into music in ways I never have; I have focused on making my dream apartment what I actually see in my dreams; hell, I've even done a puzzle! Even as I was searching for new jobs, I refused to commit to anything I didn't actually want to do, even if I should have for the sake of my situation. Now, I am about to start two jobs at places I actually want to work at, in an area I love, and within a block from each other! I have acquired, one way or another, everything I need to complete my apartment and maintain a healthy lifestyle here. I've even met someone incredible, who accepts me exactly as I am. Every piece of me. Although it is still very new, it is an amazing feeling to meet and connect with someone who completely understands my mindset. I... am living.
Through everything I've gone through recently, the one thing that kept me positive and going strong... was myself. I learned a while ago that loving and accepting yourself, exactly as you are, is the most important key to happiness. Friends and loved ones come and go, family starts their own families, but you are the only person with yourself 100% of the time. No matter what. If you don't love yourself, then you have a long road ahead of you with someone you don't even want to be around!
Tonight, I coined a... statement, if you will, and stated it to two different people in my life. One is someone I never talk to, the other a constant in my life. "Happiness, though strengthened by those around us, originates within." I am quite proud of that statement, and stand by it with all of my faith and belief. I always tell people that I am great at giving advice, but terrible at receiving it. Well, following it. But, because of that, I have learned my life's lessons through my own choices, my own mistakes, and my own understanding of how to handle situations thrown at me by this thing called life. I am by no means perfect, but I take pride in the fact that my perspective assists me with life and everything it's got. I can be disgustingly positive at times, but when I truly need it, I push through obstacles I never thought I could. Everyone has their own ways of dealing with things, but I find the best way is with a smile on your face, acceptance of what we cannot change, and the strength to change what we can. Okay... maybe I stole that from somewhere. What are you, the quote police?! ..... Yeahhh, maybe I'm a bit rusty... Smiles and Love to All! :)
You should never let anything get you down, you have what it takes to be very successful in life. You are creative, and that is a blessing. You are open, kind, and obviously you wear love on your sleeve. Love for life, and all it offers. My friend once said there are hills and valleys to life,the ebb and tide will flow and everything gets better with time. Namaste'